Sunday 27 November 2011

Walk Cycle

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I'm trying to add more character to the walk, by making him drag his feet.

It's difficult! I'll have to work at it. Making it believable is the tricky part, for me his feet look like they're being dragged along, but his body doesn't say the same.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Walk Cycle

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Here's a loop of a walk cycle, with just keyframes!

This is the character I'll be using I think, I just wanted to see what it would be like animating him in a walk.

Getting the movement of certain parts like floppy ears and such is going to be difficult, but I really would like to try something with that, so I'm going to give it a shot.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Lip Sync Test

I'm getting there. I'm happier with how the arm is moving, although it's still not quite there yet. I'm very pleased with the general movement of the head to exaggerate parts of the audio, I really think that's coming together nicely. The tough part is squeezing out the unnecessary frames, because I still have trouble with too much action in too short of a time space. Like I said though, I'm beginning to get there. I delete frames I don't need, and realise it looks a lot better without them. It's just a case of trimming away the fat now.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Lip Sync Test

Lip syncing test again! I tried to have more focused head movement, and tried to do a bit more with the arm. I don't like how this one came out very much, however. The head movement is more or less a good progression, but the arm doesn't seem to add much, other than look a bit wonky.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Lip Sync Test

I tried moving the head around more on this lip sync, and I'm quite happy with it. Again, the timing and spacing is a little shaky, but I think I'm definitely heading towards the expressive movements that I want to put forward.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Lip Syncing Test

Another go at the same lip syncing. I'm a lot happier with how this one came out, I think I'm getting the hang of shaping the mouth now. There are some very obvious timing issues with both the mouth and other moving parts of the character as he talks, but for the most part, the gist of it is there. I'm getting there, slowly but surely! I need to learn how to slow things down I think, it still looks like it's moving at a million miles an hour.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Lip Syncing Test

Another lip syncing test. Today's lesson gave me a better understanding of what I need to do, although I still found this very difficult. I'm still suffering from the problem of putting too much action in where it isn't needed, I think. Everything wobbles around without any real timing to it, which is completely wrong. I need to keep practicing until I get it nailed down.